Viability Study undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada
provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

This project is maintained by Canadian Dew Technologies Inc. (owned by Roland V. Wahlgren) whose main website is

The WaterProducer-Greenhouse™ is a Canadian water-from-air technology for improving water and food security for people on tropical small islands.
• Its relatively cool interior is suited for growing temperate zone crops at sea-level in tropical regions.
• The greenhouse is designed to produce its own fresh water, by dehumidifying the ambient outdoor air, for crop irrigation and extra fresh water for a variety of uses by the local population.

WaterProducer-Greenhouse™ concept. Graphic by Lorne Baird. © 2004 Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd. Click on image for enlarged view.

Our experiences with the Grand Turk Viability Study can be applied at many other tropical small island locations. Please contact us.