I discovered that Turks and Caicos Weekly News Online featured an article (August 12, 2011) about our project participant Nicholas Turner.
The opening paragraphs from the article are below.
Read the entire article at https://tcweeklynews.com/feeding-the-nation-p2460-1.htm​
TCI’S long neglected agricultural sector is in for a major boost thanks to a forthcoming national training centre to educate a new generation of farmers.
North Caicos’ listless government farm is to be transformed into a venue to research the best way to grow crops – with the emphasis on organic produce.
Aspiring farmers will be given plots of land on the vast 160-acre site for a peppercorn rent. They will then receive training from farm staff on the best techniques on everything from irrigation to fertiliser.
It’s just part of plans unveiled by new agriculture director Nicholas Turner who hopes the Islands will eventually yield enough fruit, veg, dairy products and meat, to feed the entire nation.
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